Studium Generale is een initiatief van AP Hogeschool in samenwerking met deSingel Internationale Kunstcampus en Kunsthuis Opera Ballet Vlaanderen. Het jaarthema voor academiejaar 22-23 is 'beleving'.
Op woensdag 8 februari 2023 verwelkomen we:
Spreker: Gert van Goolen
Titel lezing: No effort becomes real until it is experienced
Whether you participate in a sporting event yourself or you go watch top sports, you are entering into an experience. Your journey starts long before you buy a ticket or register for an event and continues long after. In the moment, it's about much more than just sports. Entertainment in car parks and around the stadium, DJs at the start and en route, music, speakers, video, to get in the mood beforehand or still enjoying the event afterwards. All with one aim: to give everyone a unique experience that you won't soon forget. Golazo has turned sporting events into experience events.
Locatie: Gele zaal, campus deSingel
Taal: Engels
Gratis deelname. Inschrijven verplicht.
Check voor info, inschrijving en updates.
19:00 tot 21:00