Together we create a framework which allows everyone in our AP-community to bring out what's within them on all fronts.
AP University of Applied Sciences and Arts has a unique and diverse range of study programmes on offer. Our partnership with the Schools of Arts, wide variety of bachelor & associate degrees and custom range for professionals result in an exceptional biotope. Everyone gets the chance to follow a bespoke trajectory tailored to their specific interests and abilities. At the Schools of Arts we strive towards artistic excellence in an international context. Here at AP, students, staff and the professional field carry out education activities together.
Our university of applied sciences and arts offers a wide range of background activities that lower potential hurdles before, during and after your academic career. Thus, we guarantee maximum learning gains for each student. As an AP-student you grow as a person and develop into a world citizen.
Furthermore, AP is a centre of expertise and a driver for research and innovative development, in collaboration with regional and international partners.
In short, at AP University of Applied Sciences and Arts you bring out the best in yourself and you're ready (to continue to) make a real difference in our ever-changing society.
AP University of Applied Sciences and Arts, bring out what’s in you!