You can start a professional or academic bachelor programme if you have one of the following certificates:
Germany | - Zeugnis der allgemeinen Hochschulreife
Finland | - Ylioppilastutkintotodistus / Studentexamenbevis
France | - Diplôme du baccalauréat général
Hungary | - Gimnáziumi Érettségi Bizonyítvány
Italy | - Diploma di superamento dell’esame di stato conclusive (awarded by a liceo classico/scientifico/linguistico/scienzo umane)
Israel | |
Latvia | - Atestāts par vispārējo vidējo izglītību
Luxemburg | - Diplôme de fin d’études secondaires classiques/techniques
- Diplôme de fin d’études secondaires (awarded up to 2017)
Netherlands | - VWO (Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs)
- MBO niveau 4 (Middelbaar Beroepsonderwijs)
- HBO-Propedeuse (Hoger Beroepsonderwijs)
Ukraine | - Svidotstvo pro zdobuttja povnoj zagalnoj serednjoj osviti (from 2019)
- Atestat pro povnu zagalnu serednju osvitu (old title up until 2019)
Austria | |
Poland | |
Portugal | - Diploma / Certificado / Certidão do Ensino Secundário
Romania | |
Russia | - Attestat o srednem obsjtsjem obrazovanii
Spain | - Título de Bachiller (Bachillerato)
Turkey | |
United States of America | - High school diploma with a record of transcript that contains at least 4 Aps (advanced placements)
United Kingdom | - GCE (General Certificate of Education) with 3 A-levels with a score of A*, A, B, or C.
- SQC (Scottish Qualifications Certificate) with 4 Highers + 2 Advanced Highers
Switzerland | - Maturitätszeugnis / Maturitätsausweis / Certificat de Maturité
Not sure if your diploma grants you access? Please send an e-mail with a copy of your diploma to
If you have obtained a diploma outside the EU, which is not included in the above list, you can submit an application to With this application you have to add the following documents:
- a legalised copy of your diploma
- if your diploma has been drawn up in a language other than Dutch, French, English or German, add a sworn Dutch translation;
For a bachelor programme organised by a department (Business and Law, Health and Science, People and Society, Education and Training, Industry and Environment or Media, Design and IT), you must submit all documents to the Student Centre via by September 1st at the latest, or by December 1st at the latest for an enrolment for course units of the second semester only.
For a programme organised by a School of Arts (Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp Royal Conservatoire), you must submit all documents to the Student Centre by October 15th at the latest via
After the Student Center has examined your application, it will let you know whether you can enroll.
Additional condition for the artistic bachelor programmes
If you want to enrol in an artistic bachelor programme, you also have to pass an artistic entrance examination. You can find more information about the artistic entrance exams on the page of your chosen programme.