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Immersive Lab

The Immersive Lab conducts practice-oriented research on immersive technologies, such as Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality, virtual production, 3D scanning, and generative AI. We also share our knowledge and infrastructure with companies. Our research group focuses on optimizing production workflows, immersive visual language and storytelling techniques, and their impact on users.

Who are we? 

Our ambitious research group consists of three expert teams that work together interdisciplinarily: a creative, technological, and user research team. These teams are led by a Creative Lead (Jeroen Cluckers), Technology Lead (Lowie Spriet), and Immersive User Research Lead (Dr. Laura Herrewijn). They are supported by Lab Manager (Nick Claeskens) and Research Coordinator (Dr. Silvia Van Aken). Meet our experts below.

What do we do? 

The creative and technical teams conduct practice-oriented research (R&D) into innovative production workflows for the creative sector (such as 3D models, interaction integration, and other labor-intensive processes). Additionally, we gather insights on high- and low-threshold technologies to enhance immersive experiences (such as embodiment, awareness, storytelling, and storyliving) and measure their impact on users (such as empathy, persuasiveness, and learning outcomes).


Research for whom? 

Our target groups are content creators in the creative sector who develop immersive experiences. We conduct R&D on Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality, 360° video, 3D scanning, virtual production, and generative AI for visual and immersive media. Additionally, we aim at companies, non-profit organizations, and governments that want to use immersive content. This ranges from entertainment to awareness, care, well-being, workplace safety, and training.

"Many creative agencies in Flanders are SMEs with limited time and resources for R&D on technological innovation waves that follow each other ever faster. We are happy to share our applied knowledge and skills, as well as our state-of-the-art infrastructure to give them an edge over foreign players," says Silvia Van Aken, Research Coordinator.

Collaborate with us? 

We collaborate with the creative sector, companies, and research groups to bundle our insights and engage in co-creation. Companies can seek advice (Blikopener), participate in guidance groups, individual services and tailored workshops, co-create during residencies, or use our studios or rental service.

"We also provide demos for companies and tours in the Immersive Lab to illustrate collaboration options," explains Nick Claeskens, Lab Manager.