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Prepare for your stay in Belgium

If you want to join us for a short of long term exchange in Belgium, you'll have to deal with some administrative hassle. Sorry, there's no escaping it ... But no worries! We have also listed some important things to check, to help you with your preparations.

Step 1: VISA

Do you need a visa for your stay in Belgium?

Step 2: Housing

Looking for a place to stay? 

Step 3: Insurance

Are you properly insured against accidents? 

Step 4: Residence permit

How should you apply for a residence permit? 

Join our welcome week

Pssst! At the start of each semester AP organises a welcome week for exchange students. During this week you get the chance to kick-start your Dutch language skills and tag along for a bit of sightseeing in Antwerp. Which gives you a great head start and helps you settle in and make friends right away.