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How to apply - Exchange students

If you would like study at AP as an exchange student, please complete the following steps to apply for one of our programmes.

    0. Deadllines

    Nomination deadlines:
    1st semester (autumn semester):15th April
    Royal Conservatoire: 1st May
    2nd semester (spring semester)15th October
    Royal Conservatoire: 1st May
    Application deadlines:
    1st semester (autumn semester):

    1st May - Selection and approval before 15th May

    Royal Academy: 1st May – Selection and approval before 1st June
    Royal Conservatoire: 1st May - Selection and approval end of June

    2nd semester (spring semester)

    1st November - Selection and approval before 15th November

    Royal Academy: 1st November – Selection and approval before 1st December
    Royal Conservatoire: 1st May - Selection and approval end of June

    1. Nomination

    Nomination by Mobility Online

    We only accept nominations via our online registration system Mobility Online. The link to the nomination form will be sent to all partner institutions. If your institution has not received it, please send a mail to to request the link. Nominations by e-mail are not processed/accepted.

    The nomination form is to be completed by the partner institution, and not by the student; and a valid interinstitutional agreement is required. Only Royal Conservatoire applicants can complete the nominations form themselves, and a valid interinstitutional agreement is not required beforehand, but will be arranged after acceptance. Please send us an IIA proposal once your student has been officially accepted.

    The institution will need to make an exchange programme selection for your student:

    • Erasmus SMS: for students from one of our Erasmus+ partner institutions that come for a study or traineeship exchange under Erasmus SMS (Interinstitutional agreement SMS required)
    • Erasmus Belgica: for students from one of our Belgian partner institutions in the French-speaking or German-speaking Community (Interinstitutional agreement required)
    • International Credit Mobility: for Erasmus+ students from third countries not associated the programme – upon invitation only (Interinstitutional agreement required)
    • Non-Erasmus: for students from partner universities from outside the Erasmus partner countries (agreement required)

    Students will receive an invitation to continue the application process.

    2. Application

    If you have been nominated by your institution in our registration system Mobility Online, you will automatically receive a mail to continue the application process in Mobility Online.

    You will need to create a login, and complete the application with your personal details and study information.

    Make sure to complete your workflow (part before the mobility) before the application deadline.

    Your personal workflow is your ‘to-do’ list with all required administration and steps before, during and after the mobility.

    3. Documents

    Send in your documents

    You will need to upload following documents during your application process in your workflow in Mobility Online:

    Documents required to be uploaded by all students:

    • Curriculum Vitae
    • Motivation letter
    • Official transcipt of past records


    Additional documents to be uploaded by applicants for specific programmes :


    Required for :  


    A Video CV of 1min30 sec (2 min for GDM students), format 720 25p (=HD-ready) or 1080 25p (Full HD).
    In this video you tell us who you are and why it is so important for you to take part in the programme. The coordinator will check the videos on language and content-relevant motivation to decide whether you’re the right student for the programme. Moreover, your video will be used to introduce you to the lecturers (and fellow-students) so make sure you produce an inspiring video!


    • European project semester (EPS) students
    • Graphic and Digital Media (GDM) students:
    • Journalism, Advertising and Public Relations (JAP) students



    Your digital portfolio can be a collection of your artistic work (pictures of sketch,​ book,​ documents,​ drawings,​ etc.​).​


    • EPS Design and Multimedia communication students
    • International CLass Graphic and Digital Media
    • Royal Academy students


    Media files


    • Royal Conservatoire students


    Recommendation letter from your main teacher or coordinator ​ (Not mandatory)


    • Royal Conservatoire students

    4. English language skills

    By nominating a student, the sending institution acknowledges their responsibility to ensure the student has the minimum recommended language level at the start of the exchange.

    Level B2 (minimum) is highly recommended for all English exchange programmes. We recommend incoming students to master the English language sufficiently before the exchange to participate actively during courses. If a student's proficiency in English does not allow active participation, there is a high risk of failing assignments and examinations. This is entirely the responsibility of the sending institution.

    Students can take English (or other) language lessons at their own expense in the language center of the University of Antwerp (Linguapolis). Applications and fees are to be arranged directly with Linguapolis.

    5. Selection


    Make sure to send in all documents before the deadline or your application will not be taken into consideration.

    Our programmes can only accept a limited number of students. After the application deadline, a selection will take place based on motivation/cv, study background, and, if necessary, date of application.

    6. After acceptance

    After acceptance

    If you have been accepted, you will be able to print your acceptance letter and invitation letter (if applicable) in your workflow in Mobility Online.

    Course selection

    For certain programmes you will need to make a course selection from the list of offered courses. AP requests students to take up minimum 20 ECTS for one semester (15 for traineeships).

    For other programmes you need to take up a fix programme of 30 ECTS, so there is no course selection to be made.

    The course package and course descriptions can be found on the page of each individual exchange programme (under tab courses).  

    Questions about courses can be sent to the AP departmental coordinator.

    Learning agreement / Transcript op records

    Do not forget to send us your Erasmus+ learning agreement before arrival once you have made your course selection.

    Digital LA’s are recommended!!

    AP is ready to accept and sign digital LA’s. Digital Learning agreements need to be created in your home institution’s system. It will then be sent to our system Mobility Online through the Erasmus Without Papers (EWP) network. Our departmental international coordinator will check and sign it for you.

    If your institution is not (yet) EWP proof,  please contact and we will enable you to upload a learning agreement in PDF version in your Mobility Online workflow.

    Contact our International office in case of questions or technical issues:

    Changes to your learning agreement after arrival can be discussed/agreed with your departemental coordinator at AP, and need to be officially arranged within one month after arrival at AP.

    Within 5 weeks after the end of your exchange period, a Transcript of Records will be sent to the international office of the student's home institution.

    Practical information

    If you have been selected, you will receive more information on practical topics such as accommodation, registration, welcome week, etc.

    In case you need an invitation letter for visa purposes, you will be able to download this in your Mobility Online workflow. 

Schools of Arts

If you want to apply for Visual Arts, Music or Dance, please also read the specific information on