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Studium Generale: Steven Laureys

Studium Generale is een initiatief van AP Hogeschool in samenwerking met deSingel Internationale Kunstcampus en Kunsthuis Opera Ballet Vlaanderen. Het jaarthema voor academiejaar 22-23 is 'beleving'.

Op woensdag 9 november 2022 verwelkomen we: 

  • Spreker: Steven Laureys

  • Titel lezing: The neuroscience of meditation - when knowledge meets experience and translates to clinical care

Steven explores the effects of meditation and mindfulness on our brain, using neuroscience to explain to any sceptic the measurable benefits of a practice once considered purely spiritual. The result will be translated in a highly accessible, engaging, interactive and scientifically based lecture on the various meditation techniques, designed to open the practice to a wider audience. Previously, he published the international beststeller The No-Nonsense Meditation Book on this theme.


  • Woensdag 9 november 2022 van 19 tot 21 uur
  • Locatie: Online webinar

  • Taal: Engels
