Games for Goals aims to contribute to innovative teaching of global citizenship and sustainable development in primary education in Europe. Its objective is to improve the capacity of teachers to integrate this in class, by developing innovative resources, as well as facilitating the use of, and improving the visibility of existing educational resources on those topics. Games for Goals will provide tools and opportunities to develop skills and knowledge to trigger action for the SDGs in Europe.
Primary-school teachers will take part in the decision and creation process during two workshops. Higher education students will also contribute to the creation of innovative educational resources during three mobilities. Trainings will be organised for all participants in the project. A centralisation of resources and capitalisation experience will also be conducted. Finally, the project will include multiplier events, as well as dissemination activities (both in class and online).
Games for Goals will provide teachers with a catalogue of innovative educational resources available across Europe, including three new game-based activities on global citizenship and sustainable development. This will be completed by a methodology to guide teachers in creating tailored activities on the SDGs for their class. Publications capitalising the project’s experience will also be written. The project’s beneficiaries (pupils, teachers, students) will be better equipped to act for change.
Some pictures from the first meeting: