Studium Generale is een initiatief van AP Hogeschool in samenwerking met deSingel Internationale Kunstcampus en Kunsthuis Opera Ballet Vlaanderen. Het jaarthema voor academiejaar 23-24 is 'the liquid society'.
Op woensdag 28 februari 2024 verwelkomen we:
Our society is changing at breakneck speed. Globalisation is turning our world into a village and results, among other things, in increased complexity, super-diverse cities and regions. In addition, an ever-growing virtual world has been added since the 1990s. Algorithms thereby determine the speed and manner in which information flows or storms through our frames of mind. Globalisation and algorithmisation bring challenges as well as numerous opportunities. Patterns in history teach us that new information and communication technologies, coupled with impactful events such as a pandemic or war often put truth and identity under pressure. An episode of truth decay and binary frames of mind are then the result. It is important to reflect on how these social realities are shaped by language and narrative, and that it is precisely plurality and connectedness that can provide us with partial solutions.
Locatie: Aula Kockx, campus Meistraat
Taal: Engels
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19:00 tot 21:00