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Journalism, Advertising and Public Relations (JAP)




Autumn Semester

Campus Meistraat

What is better for improving the skills that you need as a future journalist or public relations agent than taking up a part of your programme abroad? Read on to find out more about our Belgian programme!


Are you a student of Journalism, Advertising or Public Relations and are you planning to study in Antwerp? Well, we are convinced that you made the right choice. We will provide the skills and qualifications you need to reach your goals in the heart of a city that offers an exciting social life: Antwerp!

The AP University of Applied Sciences and Arts commits herself to ensure the highest quality education and training in organizing Erasmus student mobility. For that reason, we co-operate with several universities and institutions of higher education throughout Europe within the framework of the Erasmus Plus programme.

The Department of Media, Design & IT has 30 years of experience in communications education and offers several communications courses at a Bachelor level. Students become professionals in one of the following fields: Journalism, Commercial communication and Advertising or Public relations and information. 

As an Erasmus student you will integrate easily as you follow the courses together with your Flemish co-students. English is the language of instruction.

The international semester will surely add value to your degree and your career opportunities and improve your English language as well as your team working, intercultural and communication skills.

For who?

You can participate if you are an incoming Erasmus student, studying Journalism, Commercial Communication and Advertising and Public Relations at one of our partner universities.


Below you can find the updated course list for 2024-2025. 

The first cluster of courses* are general courses whereas cluster two and three are only for Advertising/Public Relations OR Journalism students. You can find more information on a specific course in the overview.

1. General Courses

compulsory for all incoming students

  • Belgian Culture and Trends (6 ECTS)

for students of Communication and Journalism

  • Content Marketing (4 ECTS)
  • Fact Checking (4 ECTS)
  • Immersive Storytelling & VR (max 10 students allowed (4 ECTS)
  • Intercultural Communication (4 ECTS)
  • International News Topics
  • Mobility project: Reporting Europe (max 10 students allowed) (4 ECTS)

2. Courses only for students in Advertising and Public Relations

  • Brand Activation (4 ECTS)
  • Photoshop (max. 10 students allowed) (4 ECTS)
  • Professional Practice in Campaigns (max. 5 students allowed) (4 ECTS)
  • Public Affairs (4 ECTS)
  • Video Production (max. 10 students allowed) (4 ECTS)

3. Courses only for students in Journalism

  • Constructive Interviewing (4 ECTS)
  • Layout (4 ECTS)
  • Media@AP: Television (Advanced) (only possible if 2-3 students register) (4 ECTS)
  • Media@AP: Radio (Advanced) (Max 2-3 students allowed) (4 ECTS)
  • Media@AP: Online (Advanced) (Max 2-3 students allowed) (4 ECTS)
  • Media@AP: Text (Advanced) (Max 2-3 students allowed) (4 ECTS)
  • Photojournalism (max. 5-10 students allowed) (4 ECTS)

*All courses and course descriptions are subject to changes at any time.

For practical courses with limited access f.i.: “max. 5-10 students” the definite decision can only be made in the beginning of the academic year.”

Timing and Location

Welcome Week

Monday 9th September 2024 -  Thursday 12th September 2024

Welcome day

Friday, 13th September 2024

Start of programme

Monday, 16th September 2024

Official end date

Friday, 31st January 2025


Autumn Break: Monday 28th October 2024 – Sunday 3rd November 2024 (1 week)
Christmas Holiday: 23rd December 2024 – Sunday 5th January 2025 (2 weeks)
Other free days: 1st November 2024, 11th November 2024


AP University of Applied Sciences & Arts
Campus Meistraat, Meistraat 5
2000 Antwerp, Belgium


The registration deadline for Journalism, Advertising and Public Relations is 1st May.

AP partner institutions should nominate the student via our registration system Mobility Online. The link to the nomination form will be sent to all partner institutions; If you did not receive it, please contact us at . Once nominated, students will receive an automated mail to complete the application.  You can find the full application procedure here. Our programmes can only accept a limited number of students. After the application deadline, a selection will take place based on motivation/cv, study background, and, if necessary, date of application.

Students will be advised before 15th May of their approval/refusal.

Extra assignment

As an extra assignment, all participants to the JAP-programme are requested to introduce themselves in a video CV of 1min30 sec, format 720 25p (=HD-ready) of 1080 25p (Full HD).

In this video you tell who you are and why it is so important for you to take part in the programme. The JAP coordinator will check the videos on language and creativity to decide whether you can be accepted in the JAP-programme. Moreover, your video might be used to introduce you to the lecturers and fellow students of the programme, so make sure you produce an inspiring video!”

After the selections, additional information will be given, pertaining to:
- Welcome day and Welcome week
- accommodation
- procedures for registration (residence permit)
- activities, integration & facilities
- invitation letter, for visa purposes


30 credits represent the workload for one full semester. Credits are awarded only when the course has been completed and all required examinations have been successfully taken. AP University of Applied Sciences and Arts requires students to take up a minimum of 20 credits per semester. 

Artesis Plantijn Grading Scale compared to the ECTS scale:

Artesis Plantijn

ECTS grade












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F  FAIL (no deliberation possibility)