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Admission Test for Graduate Courses

What does the project entail?
In this project an admission test for graduate courses is developed and operationalised. It is intended for students who do not have the required certificate or diploma to start a graduate course.

A graduate programme (or former HBO5) provides access to higher education in addition to the professional and academic bachelors. Graduate programmes are very practical and short, in two years a student can already obtain a diploma of higher education.

The test was developed by the association KU Leuven and AP University College Antwerp (Magez, W., Depessemier, P. and Peeters, A.). The project is part of the deviating admission procedure to the graduate programmes in Flanders.

What does the admission test involve?
The purpose of the test is to determine whether students have sufficient basic knowledge and skills to start a graduate course. The admission test consists of 4 different, linguistic and non-linguistic tests:

  • Vocabulary
  • Reading comprehension
  • Calculation
  • Numerical reasoning

The admission test does not test any school knowledge and no additional language knowledge is required for numerical reasoning and arithmetic.