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Serious gaming - Citizen School

- A serious game that will teach you how to be a perfect European citizen -

During a three year project funded by Europe, three NGOs and three university colleges will develop a serious game that will run on mobile devices. The game aims to inform, educate, explain and question the role of national and European citizenship, regarding interculturalism, tolerance and mutual respect, so that young adults between 15 and 18 years old, our target public, are fully aware of their role and responsibility.

This game will be created and developed by students of several university colleges. During two mobility events these students will be gathered in a contest among international and multidisciplinary teams to come up with the best immersive and contextual game concept.
The first event was held in Porto (Portugal) between the 14th and the 25th February, 2017.
During these twelve days 23 students from game design, teacher training, social work, communication and IT, … in Belgium, Ireland and Portugal received training on the topics at hand and were teamed up and worked intensely on the creation of a game concept. On the last day of the event each of the five teams presented their concept in front of a jury who then selected three concepts.
The selected concepts will seed the next mobility event during which new teams will elaborate these concepts. To prepare for this process the concepts will be presented in an online learning environment where invited pupils and teachers will be able to give feedback and comments.
Finally one game concept will be selected, finalized and presented to the community of secondary schools in France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Portugal and Ireland to be used in class. The NGOs will provide workshops to support teachers in using the game and the online learning environment will be used to present background materials and collect experiences and comments from pupils and teachers.