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T4SS - Train4smartservices

With Train4smartservices 70 trainees are retrained to become IT-professionals in Flanders and the Netherlands in 18 months time. Via a cross-border work and learning programme the trainees are prepared for the high-tech jobs of the future. 

In this thriving region we see a growing shortage of well-qualified IT-staff. The work and learning programme is tailor-made in collaboration with companies and research institutions in this region. Talented trainees are given the opportunity to specialise themselves in eighteen months, after which they are immediately employable in the vacant jobs.

The programme gives an important boost to the labour market and business activity in the Euro-region and receives financial support from Interreg-V. Interreg-V is an EU subsidy programme that strengthens and promotes cross-border cooperation, innovation and sustainable development in the border region.

Research institutions in Flanders and the Netherlands offer a unique and integrated educational programme for the trainees taking part. This is realised by a form of education in which classroom teaching and distance learning alternate (blended-learning). By opting for this teaching method, trainees receive an education that provides in a thorough basic knowledge and where there is also plenty of room for deepening and specialisation. 

Specialisation in the most requested directions
Trainees can specialise in two main directions: Data Science and Software Development. Within these directions they can opt for a sub-specialisation in Software Engineering, Front-end Web Development, Data Analytics and Data Security.

Building an attractive CV
Trainees are given the opportunity to develop themselves to the maximum. This is possible through a unique combination of a challenging education on the one hand and gaining work experience within various companies in the Netherlands and Flanders on the other. In this way trainees build up an attractive CV and are of great added value in the IT labour market.

Learning and working in four blocks 
The traineeship provides four periods of education and internships at various companies. In the first two periods of the traineeship trainees build a solid foundation in knowledge and practical work experience. This experience and knowledge helps trainees in their choice of specialisation. This is followed by two periods of specialisation through a combination of education and work. The education takes place both in class and online in combination with meetings at the Brightlands Smart Services Campus in Heerlen and the Corda Campus in Hasselt.  The traineeship is completed after eighteen months.

Personal development  
More than 350 companies in Belgium and the Netherlands were asked which skills and competences of potential new employees were needed. In addition to 'hard' competences, companies also find 'soft' competences an important added value. Examples of such competences are problem solving ability, creativity, the ability to work together, cultural sensitivity, entrepreneurship and learning ability. Coaching these competences is an important part of the traineeship.